Sunday, April 27, 2008

Insia Saleh - Topic for new research paper

1. History is evidence that newspapers have a huge impact on public opinion related to political events like wars, and elections. Newspapers get biased and as such influence personal attitudes and community politics.

2. I will be looking for all the scholarly journals and articles from newspapers to prove my topic. I will specifically look for "Academic Search Premier", "JSTOR", and "Project Muse" for proving from different scholar point of view that newspapers get biased. I will also look for "Lexis-Nexis" to show some evidence from different newspapers that they are in fact biased and "Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, Gale" in order to show different viewpoints from websites, magazines, journals and articles to help prove my topic of public influence.

3. My research will help prove my point in the way that newspapers were biased in the past decades with reporting about the past wars and elections and also that they are still biased. The research will show that newspapers in the past were biased and as such influenced public perceptions about the related issue and then I would show that how newspaper reporting largely affected on public minds. At last I would prove that the same technique is used in the present also to influence people.

1 comment:

S Henkle said...

Looks good. Remember that just arguing that 'newspapers are biased' is probably not that interesting--most people probably agree. But the articles you read should have points to make about the influence of that bias which are interesting and worth bringing in