Tuesday, April 29, 2008

zhi yang: research paper

Why the school violence keeps repeating itself in history over the past decades? From the vaguest memory columbine massacre to the latest Virginia attack, the accident is getting much bloodier and terrible. Compared to other developed countries England, Japan, France, or developing countries china, India, American has a high rate of school violence. Why there are so many merciless teenager killers? That can attribute to the American culture. Teenagers’’ believes, thoughts, behaviors are shaped by the American culture. In contrast to other counties, American culture is more aggressive, such as America invades other countries. The culture is strongly associated with the economic. America is the only one super power in the world. The generation of teenager is affected by that idea. They act like they are the center of the world and do something incredible.

then i will expore some measurement needed to take to prevent further school violence.

1 comment:

S Henkle said...


This needs to follow the numbered format indicated below--check my post and the work of your fellow students for examples.