Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Magdalena's topic

My new topic is going to be about the ''Heroes of Warsaw Ghetto Poland''. On April 15th there was the anniversary of Polish Jews who were trying to fight the Germans in 1943. There is a monument devoted to the Polish Jews in Warsaw. There were emotional Yidish songs on April 15th 2008. In the mean time there were religious aniversaries in a lot of concentration camps in Poland. A lot of people dont know how many concentration camps were in Poland during WW2.
1Aushwitz -Birkenau
2Majdanek Camp
April is the month of Uprising in concentration camps in Poland. During spring break I got interested in Polish Jews history. I found out that many of my favorite poets were of Jewish background. I found out that Jewish people were welcomed by our kings and they got their rights in the middle ages. They could build as many synagogues as they wished in Poland. The Jewish People reffered to Poland as''The Polish paradise''. In 13 England kicked the Jewish people out and later the other European countries kicked them out, so they came to Poland which was nice to them. By the beggining of WW2 Poland had over 4 million Jews. I was doing a research about Polish politicans and half of them are of jewish background and the former president too. It seems like a lot of people are of Jewish background. When i was vieving concentration camps I found out who the comendants were of those camps. A lot of them were not typical Germans but Swedish, Danish. Some of them didn't have the typical ''Aryan'' face. A lot of them looked like normal people who would't hurt anyone. I found out yhat Hitler was one quarter Jewish but he hid the documents . Europe was so mixed then that we could believe that.

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