Monday, April 7, 2008


Please note: This post has been changed.

As mentioned , there is no class on Wednesday, April 9th. I will, however, be in my office by around ten fifteen if you want to meet with me. You should have gotten your essay back from me by email tonight (let me know immediately if you haven't and don't know why). I'd be happy to discuss the second draft then.

Remember that t
his is a draft. Therefore the grades are, in almost every case, going to be significantly lower than you or I might like.

I won’t comment this extensively on your other drafts. In this case, however, this is not the final grade. It is a temporary grade, given until you turn in a second draft of this essay by email, 3 pm on April 18th. If I do not get a new draft on that date, this grade will become permanent. If you have not turned in a first draft, you cannot turn a draft on the 18th, as the lateness penalty will have made it impossible to receive a passing grade on the paper. In fact this impossibility occurs just over a week after the original due date, this Saturday (and of course, that's only if it were a nearly perfect paper).

Email me with any questions, though often a face to face meeting is best for discussing essays. I should be in my office by 10:15 tomorrow.

I'll post something here as an assignment for Monday, and will do so later in the week.

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