Wednesday, April 30, 2008


World War II.

Arielle Shimko

1) My new topic will be building off of my initial topic of the representation of the Holocaust in society. 

Perhaps the most effective way of relaying information to the public is through film. There are many films about the Holocaust, and the most poignant are the documentaries which include personal interviews of Holocaust survivors. Survivors show their pain and troubles with dealing with the effects of the Shoah on a personal level, as well as on a collective level. These documentaries encourage individuals to understand the terror in the Holocaust, and help show us the detrimental effects. It is vital to preserve Holocaust documentaries for the future, when no Holocaust survivors remain. The footage is proof of the Holocaust and the stories ensure that we will not forget World War I.

2) I will be using the Cuny+ system that our lovely librarian showed us. I have found many books which are pertinent to my topic, and I hope to also find documentary footage, in addition to the literature regarding documentaries. I will also be using Google Scholar to find scholarly articles.

3) The research will help me validate my thesis and give me a new perspective on the matter. Once I do more research, it will also help me focus on specific aspects of the documentaries. This way, I will be able to complicate my thesis.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Magdalena-Historical page with poems

Magdalena-Historical page with poems

Magdalena-Historical page with poems



Golda Markowitz- Topic

1)The government has various responsibilities when responding to disasters that occur. It uses several organizations to aid in fulfilling these responsibilities. The government’s response to a disaster depends on the contributions of its organizations.

2)My research will be coming from scholarly journals and articles that discuss what types of organizations the government uses, how these organizations were formed, and what they each contribute. In addition it may include discussing when the government must respond and when it does not, and also what sort of preparations the organizations need for when the unexpected occurs.

3)Through this research, I will become acquainted with the structure and function of these various organizations and I will be able to explain how each contributes to the government’s response to a disaster. The research will tell how the government coordinates the response of these various organizations to maximize the overall response to that particular disaster.

Magdalena's topic

My new topic is going to be about the ''Heroes of Warsaw Ghetto Poland''. On April 15th there was the anniversary of Polish Jews who were trying to fight the Germans in 1943. There is a monument devoted to the Polish Jews in Warsaw. There were emotional Yidish songs on April 15th 2008. In the mean time there were religious aniversaries in a lot of concentration camps in Poland. A lot of people dont know how many concentration camps were in Poland during WW2.
1Aushwitz -Birkenau
2Majdanek Camp
April is the month of Uprising in concentration camps in Poland. During spring break I got interested in Polish Jews history. I found out that many of my favorite poets were of Jewish background. I found out that Jewish people were welcomed by our kings and they got their rights in the middle ages. They could build as many synagogues as they wished in Poland. The Jewish People reffered to Poland as''The Polish paradise''. In 13 England kicked the Jewish people out and later the other European countries kicked them out, so they came to Poland which was nice to them. By the beggining of WW2 Poland had over 4 million Jews. I was doing a research about Polish politicans and half of them are of jewish background and the former president too. It seems like a lot of people are of Jewish background. When i was vieving concentration camps I found out who the comendants were of those camps. A lot of them were not typical Germans but Swedish, Danish. Some of them didn't have the typical ''Aryan'' face. A lot of them looked like normal people who would't hurt anyone. I found out yhat Hitler was one quarter Jewish but he hid the documents . Europe was so mixed then that we could believe that.

zhi yang: research paper

Why the school violence keeps repeating itself in history over the past decades? From the vaguest memory columbine massacre to the latest Virginia attack, the accident is getting much bloodier and terrible. Compared to other developed countries England, Japan, France, or developing countries china, India, American has a high rate of school violence. Why there are so many merciless teenager killers? That can attribute to the American culture. Teenagers’’ believes, thoughts, behaviors are shaped by the American culture. In contrast to other counties, American culture is more aggressive, such as America invades other countries. The culture is strongly associated with the economic. America is the only one super power in the world. The generation of teenager is affected by that idea. They act like they are the center of the world and do something incredible.

then i will expore some measurement needed to take to prevent further school violence.


1) My topic for research will be the illusion against reality, what’s apparently true, set against the romanticizing of mob culture. This will research Italian mob personalities and to see whether they in fact lived romanticized lives or not. The rise of the mob in America compared to the mob in Sicily, and its development. This will lead to why Italian mobs are the only ones who are romanticized by movies and media, and how only the Italian mafia is romanticized and judged by culture and not others mobs, such as the Jewish, Russian, Irish, or Asian.
2) I will be looking for research to answer these questions as further explanations of the stateda thesis. I will be using Jstor and Project Muse, along with the library and internet sources. I am very curious to find the answers for these questions and understand they all take place.
3) The research found on mafia lifestyles will help me get a better understanding to answer the questions in my topic of research. This will help prove my point in depth and give me an answer to these questions.

Paper Topic

1. My topic is the phenomenon that tragedies(assassinations, accidents, deaths) cause. The phenomenon that occurs when tragedies happen is people feel a sudden need to show their sympathy and compassion for people they never personally knew by giving flowers or leaving notes and candles in memory of people. I will be looking at the phenomenons that occurred after the tragic deaths of Princess Diana, John F. Kennedy, Benazir Bhutto, Eva Peron(Evita), Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
2. I will be researching what happens after the tragedies, what memorials are created, by who and where. I will be looking at what causes the international out poor of sympathy when tragedies occur. I will also research the media's relation to the obsession that the public has when tragic events occur.
3. The research will reveal what happens after tragedies so I can clearly compare what happens in certain situations in the media and the public. In the case of a suspicious sudden death such as Princess Diana to Evita who died of cancer. And the assassination of J.F.K. , Benazir Bhutto, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohandas Karmachand Gandhi. The research will help me to display what obsessions is caused by the media in tragedies and what is different in particular tragedies.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Elizabeth John

By comparing the three political assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and Benazir Bhutto, this paper will prove that even though the assassinations occured at different time periods in different parts of the world there are intriguing similarities and differences that occur throughtout the media and society when the assassination takes place.

Elizabeth John

This paper will be proved by scholary articles provided by JStor, Academic Search Premier and Project Muse. I will research assassinations that include Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, and Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy from the United States. The paper will examine the who, what, where, and why the assassination occured and the similarities and differences that occur with all of the assassinations. Articles on the assassinations will be closely examined and compared to one another to show the differences but more so the similarities between these three assasination that occured at different times in modern society.

Elizabeth John

My topic is the occurence of political assassinations in societies of different countries, and there effect on all aspects of society including individuals, the media, history, and how any assassination generates the same emotions, and questions initially felt.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Due to transportation/vacation issues, it looks like I won't be able to make it to NY for class tomorrow, Monday the 28th. Let's just push everything to Wednesday, and keep thinking about your final projects.

Melissa's Research Paper

1) My topic will be human behavior in tragic events, how people behave when a tragic event occurs and why they behave they way they do, as in why do they constantly try to blame someone for the tragic event.

2) This paper will be proven by using scholarly articles such as psychologist reports, journals and other scientific research/experiment. These articles will illustrate how people react to different situations and try to understand why they behave in this way.

3) The research will help prove why people constantly blame others when a tragic event occurs.

Nikita- Research topic

1. The topic I have chosen for the new essay is racial discrimination that media develops, which spark people to take actions against one another.

2. Mostly I am going be using guardian, New York Times, New York Post, etc to first see how newspapers influence people way of thinking. Then I want look into research done on racial discrimination and I want look into court case regarding racial discrimination .I want to define the word race, discrimination for that I want look at different dictionary and encyclopedia. Also I want to consider interview with victims of racial discrimination and look at solution to prevent such tragic from happening.

3. The essay proves why people discriminate against one another and how we can solve this problem. The big question how we can stop bad human habits, if we can’t stop then lessens these problems. After I want look into many researches and scholarly articles to get bigger idea to stop this problem. How the media benefits from all this?

Insia Saleh - Topic for new research paper

1. History is evidence that newspapers have a huge impact on public opinion related to political events like wars, and elections. Newspapers get biased and as such influence personal attitudes and community politics.

2. I will be looking for all the scholarly journals and articles from newspapers to prove my topic. I will specifically look for "Academic Search Premier", "JSTOR", and "Project Muse" for proving from different scholar point of view that newspapers get biased. I will also look for "Lexis-Nexis" to show some evidence from different newspapers that they are in fact biased and "Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, Gale" in order to show different viewpoints from websites, magazines, journals and articles to help prove my topic of public influence.

3. My research will help prove my point in the way that newspapers were biased in the past decades with reporting about the past wars and elections and also that they are still biased. The research will show that newspapers in the past were biased and as such influenced public perceptions about the related issue and then I would show that how newspaper reporting largely affected on public minds. At last I would prove that the same technique is used in the present also to influence people.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Jessica- Research Topic

1. The topic that I have chosen for the new essay is Global Warming’s negative impact on not the human species but the wild-life, which shares just as much threat of extinction.

2. Most of my research will consist of articles form scholarly sources such as the National Geographic and the encyclopedia which will confirm and expand on the topic’s point. The research I use will provide damages occurring in places such as the forest or ponds where wild-life co-exists with problems that are widely known whereas effects of Global Warming on humans is openly revealed and concern is shown for. The extinction of animals will be pointed out and the articles will show how Global Warming helps with the extinction of the animal breed.

3. The research will help prove my point as it can provide ample amount of facts and quotes from each article while helps prove and built on the claim that not only humans are harmed by Global Warming but animals are also badly affected and not untouched from the disastrous Global Warming.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Rena Adler- Topic

1) Newspapers and newspaper bias have been at the forefront of American development for centuries causing “…a vital influence on the minds of the reading public” (Public 366). However, recent research by William P. Eveland, Jr. and Dhavan V. Shah suggests that biased views found in newspapers have actually been sharpened through ones own, projected thoughts, “news biases are actually due to distortions in the environment outside the control of the media…” (Impact 103)
2) Mainly, I will be looking for prior research conducted by psychologists to prove the suggested point. Investigations carried out by political scientists and sociologists will also help to further broaden the topic so it can be viewed under a different light.
3) My essay will prove and go through the many different reasons as to why one would project their own thoughts into what they read. Therefore, as I have not conducted necessary experimentation, previously conducted research will be of utmost importance.

Monday, April 21, 2008

For Class on Monday April 28

The prompt for your final assignment, which will be due the Monday of finals week (May 19th), can be found to the right. As we discussed, we will approach this assignment largely in reverse: from the topic and the research of that topic, to the outline, to the executive summary (or abstract, though there are differences). This is part of our larger, term long project of moving from generating general knowledge (reading newspapers), to developing an initial argument (paper 2), to rendering that argument in the terms appropriate to higher college level writing (the research paper or, in our case, the apparatus around one).

Your first task, then, is to determine a topic or, more specifically, adjust your topic from your last paper into something substantially more complex (this may end up something more like a new topic). A good way to start: If you had to write a 20 page paper on your particular topic, what would need to change, how would the topic need to be adjusted? Generally, this might mean adding an historical element--an argument about Bhutto's death, for example, might not just deal with contemporary accounts in the NYPostho but give a ten page historical overview of reporting on assassinations over a given period of time. I will ask you to explain how that historical survey would help an argument, so keep that in mind (in the given example, perhaps it will be that the historical survey shows that the current obsessions with how Bhutto died are not new obsessions).

It is critical that you do this with some sense of what's available. Spend time looking through the databases, specifically Project Muse and Jstor, typing in your search terms, narrowing those terms, and seeing what's out there on these topics. If you have any technical difficulties, let me know immediately, rather than coming to class and saying: 'I couldn't log on.'

But in the end this is mostly about thinking, and spending time thinking. Ask yourself about the course of your thinking over the term--what are the questions about what you've been studying which it would take a library to answer?

Your assignment for th 28th, then, is to post the following here:

1) the topic for your new 'paper'
2) a one paragraph explanation of what kind of research you will be looking for.
3) a sentence or two explaining how the research will help prove your point.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


In the interest of continuing with our citation and mla format work, please do the following exercise and email me the results by 8pm on Sunday night.

Using the OWL Purdue MLA Formatting Styleguide found to the right, go through and familiarize yourself with the various possible formats one needs for various situation (web citation, books with no author, books with three authors, etc). You'll never have to memorize it, but it's good to get a general idea.

Then, do the exercise found to the right (Works Cited Exercise). Open the document and create a finished works cited page from those random, unformatted entries (which means, in addition to formatting each entry, alphabetizing, etc). Use the OWL Purdue MLA Formatting Styleguide to find the answers to how to format each entry.

You can either reformat the exercise itself, create a new word document, or paste the final works cited page into an email (which will change the format, but we'll let that pass). Once you have done this, send the finished product to me.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Please note: This post has been changed.

As mentioned , there is no class on Wednesday, April 9th. I will, however, be in my office by around ten fifteen if you want to meet with me. You should have gotten your essay back from me by email tonight (let me know immediately if you haven't and don't know why). I'd be happy to discuss the second draft then.

Remember that t
his is a draft. Therefore the grades are, in almost every case, going to be significantly lower than you or I might like.

I won’t comment this extensively on your other drafts. In this case, however, this is not the final grade. It is a temporary grade, given until you turn in a second draft of this essay by email, 3 pm on April 18th. If I do not get a new draft on that date, this grade will become permanent. If you have not turned in a first draft, you cannot turn a draft on the 18th, as the lateness penalty will have made it impossible to receive a passing grade on the paper. In fact this impossibility occurs just over a week after the original due date, this Saturday (and of course, that's only if it were a nearly perfect paper).

Email me with any questions, though often a face to face meeting is best for discussing essays. I should be in my office by 10:15 tomorrow.

I'll post something here as an assignment for Monday, and will do so later in the week.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


As indicated on the post, the draft of the essay is due on Friday, April 4th, at 3pm. Send it to my address, and remember that I will email you back to confirm receipt. Until you get that email back, be aware that your paper has not yet been received, and can accrue lateness penalties. The very latest that I will email you back with confirmation is noon on Saturday, so if you haven't heard from me by then, contact me immediately.

As promised in the syllabus, missing the peer review causes difficulties. Those who did not attend class today or who attended but did not bring a paper will need to have a classmate (anyone willing) do a peer review of your paper before receiving comments from me. While you are in the process of getting this done, you should still turn your draft in on time, on Friday.

The peer review form is available to the right. Feel free to email the form back and forth, and have your peer reviewer type the comments directly on the document, etc. Once you have gotten a classmate to do this for you, email the document with the comments to me. Until I see at least one completed peer review on your paper, I will not comment on your draft.

Getting the comments of classmates and friends is a critical part of the writing process--your social network will be available to you as a writer long after our time together has finished.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Colton Heller- First Paragraph (draft)

There is a basic confusion in the minds of American people as to the difference between what is true, and what is perceived true by the mafia movies. The movies show how mobsters are respected, have money, and are invincible, but are they all that in reality? There is a sense that there are images of mobsters printed into ones head, but the reality contridicts the illusion of the mobster lifestyle. Movies, books, and newspapers can make the viewer think of someone in a completely different sense. The movie Bonx Tale is a perfect example, Chazz Palminteri, the writer of the movie, makes his star act of Sonny appear to be the perfect person, ands a viewer you agree. However, in reality, Sonny does not have everything he really wants and understands throughout experience in the movie that he is actually feared not loved. He is iconic in this movies because everyone wants to be like him, but the mobster we all become attached to and "love", ends up getting killed. The illusion of a powerful mobster contradicts the fact of a dead man.

Colton Heller- Outline Prompt

I) Introduction- Thesis
a) How the mafis isn't all that it appears to be by movies, books, and newspapers.
b) The mafia gets portrayed as people with money, respect, and an untouchable, invincible attitude. However, this is only in the movies, because in the real world they waste money, become a figure of fear, and get arrested. People think they can observe through movies and stories about mobsters, and they form an image of them, but in reality the image is very different.
c) Through examples of movies (Bronx Tale, Goodfellas, Donny Brosco, Sopranos, and Once Upon a Time in America). Examples through newspapers (New York Times, New York Post), and through books (The Good Rat).

II) Body- Proof that the mobsters dont live the lifestyle one sees in movies and books.
i. evidence from movies
ii. evidence from books
iii. evidence from newspapers

III) Conclusion
a) Repeat thesis in different words and add closing details
b) In conclusion, if someone only watches movies and hears stories, they will look at mobsters in a much different way than they appear after realizing the illusion of the mafia. These are just average men who have chose to live a different way, but in the end it turns out to become the wrong way of living.