Sunday, May 11, 2008

Melissa's Sources for Research paper

1. Raviv, Amiram, Sadeh, Avi, Raviv, Alona, Selberstein, Ora and Diver, Orna. "Young Israelis' Reactions to National Trauma: The Rabin Assassination and Terror Attacks."

Summary of Article
This article was a study conducted on Israelis’ students following the Rabin assassination and terror attacks. The article dealt with the trauma of tragedies.
Relevance to Argument
This article helps to show the effects of tragedies on people. It reinforces the emotions and reactions of people.

2. Koopman, Cheryl “Political Psychology as a Lens for Viewing Traumatic Events Vol. 18, No. 4 (Dec., 1997)”

Summary of Article
This article is about understanding “traumatic events” in a psychological perspective. It deals with all kinds of tragedies, wars, holocaust and international events and the forms of trauma.
Relevance to Argument
This article helps the reader to understand the types of trauma and the psychological effects that it have on people in different situations.

3. Haider-Markel, Donald P and Joslyn, Mark R. “Gun Policy, Opinion, Tragedy and Blame Attribution: The Conditional Influence of Issue Frames.”
Summary of Article
This articles deals with different type of tragedies and how it happened, what could have been done and who or what should be blamed for the event.
Relevance to Argument
This article reinforces my argument that after tragic event occurs people tend to find something or someone to blame.

4. Gephart, Robert P. Jr. "The Textual Approach: Risk and Blame in Disaster Sensemaking."

Summary of Article
This article discusses the different ways a tragic event could be analyzed as in risks of the event and blame after the event.
Relevance to Argument
This article helps to prove my argument that after a tragic event people tend to blame something or someone for the event.

5. Glossop, Ronald J, “Explaining Human Behavior” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 30, No. 3 (Mar., 1970), pp. 444-449

Summary of Article
This article analyzes human behavoir as the processes/movements and actions/activities, then it explain these behaviors.
Relevance to Argument
This articles helps to prove my argument on the way human behavior in different situations.

6. Cole, David “Secrecy, Guilt by Assocation, and the Terrorist Profile” Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 15, No. 1/2 (2000 - 2001), pp. 267-288
Summary of Article
This article is about how innocent people are being blamed because of their association (similar culture) with people caused a tragic event.
Relevance to Argument
This article helps my argument that people blame others for tragic events and also discriminate against an entire group because of the tragedy that a few people of that group have caused.

7. Banta, Thomas J. "The Kennedy Assassination: Early Thoughts and Emotions” The Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Summer, 1964), pp. 216-224 <>
Summary of Article
This article is a study of the reactions, thoughts, emotions and speculations of the public a few hours after President Kennedy was assassinated.
Relevance to Argument
This article helps my argument by exploring the reaction of the public after a tragic event.

8. Pyszczynski, Tom; Solomon, Sheldon and Greenberg, Jeff “In the wake of 9/11: The psychology of terror.” Terror management theory: An evolutionary existential account of human behavior.

Summary of Article
This article explores the feelings that people have during and after tragic events. It deals with their reaction to the events and the different emotions that they go through.
Relevance to Argument
This article helps to my paper by showing the state of mind of people during and after a tragic event.

9. Reiss, Steven “Instead of assigning blame after tragedy, find meaningful lessons and move on”

Summary of Article
This article address what happens after a tragic event and what can be done instead of blaming others.
Relevance to Argument
This article will help to prove that people tend to blame others after tragic events and also give solutions on what to do instead of blaming others.

10. Bucher, Rue “Blame and Hostility in Disaster” The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 62, No. 5 (Mar., 1957), pp 467-475.

Summary of Article
This article analyzes interviews person that was in a disaster to reveal the reason why they blame others after such an event.
Relevance to Argument
This article helps my argument by showing that people blame other after events. It also helps us to understand why people blame people when such events occur.

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